Punjab is reeling under the problem of addiction. Various surveys carried out all over the state point to the gravity of the situation. As many as 45-60 percent of young adults in the age group of 18-25 years is addicted to at least one substance of abuse. Of late, the scourge of addiction has spread to women, young girls and more and more young boys. It is in this backdrop that we started the LIFE CARE FOUNDATION DRUG REHABILITATION CENTER JALANDHAR.
We are proud to say that our center is one of the most well-equipped in the region. We offer rehabilitation program for male patients based on the principles elucidated by NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. We have a dedicated team especially appointed for this purpose. We have on our rolls a psychiatrist, a medical officer, three psychologists to provide comprehensive medical care to the inmates. Each new patient is thoroughly examined and investigated and then taken up for detoxification at a well known hospital Jalandhar City under the supervision of our in-house psychiatrist, Dr Gulbahar S Sidhu. The patient is sent to the LIFE CARE REHAB CENTRE after he is detoxified.
Our center is located in lush green surroundings with well ventilated rooms and high standards of cleanliness. The inmates are given nutritious and hygienic food during their stay. The rehab program is of six months duration. Myself Manjeet Singh Sidhu as the project director, is absolutely proud of my team and invite anyone who is suffering from the problem of addiction to join us in our Endeavour.